Saturday, May 17, 2008


So, I am happy to report that my beta #s came back very positive. On May 9th, I got a 301, and they asked me to come back in 4 days.  On May 13th, the betas went to 1457!  Huzzah!

The general feel right now is a teensy bit of nausea, especially if I'm hungry.  But that's it,  I don't have my scan until May 27th so we won't be able to confirm any further details until then. 

My only concern is this--and of course, I don't know if I'm making too much out of it, or too little, you tell me--I have been spotting every day since 2 days post transfer.  Brown, mostly (sorry for the TMI), and during the course of the day it's a little more than other times. It's nerve-wracking because I know there's nothing at this stage I could even do if I wanted, but I'm secretly nervous. I don't want to freak the DH out by sharing this, so I've been quietly obsessing on my own.

As a post-Asherman's patient, I suspect that it's all related, but I'm not a doctor, so I can't say.  The RE who did my IVF, Dr. Sauer, isn't the same RE who treated Asherman's so I don't even know if they'd know what to tell me.  I sound ridiculous, I know, and you probably are saying right now at your computer screen, "well just call them anyway!"  .... but like I said, there's nothing they can do at this point even if it was a bad sign because I'm so early in.  On the other hand, if it's normal, then part of me is just trying to wave an impatient hand at myself and say, "see?!? nothing to worry about." 

Personally, I'm looking for more cat vomit.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Is cat vomit a good sign?

Now that I have my computer back after 2 full weeks of repairs (Yes, 2! My computer wouldn't turn on at all at some point, and it's 5 months old!) here's where we're at--

I had my retrieval on the 24th, and they told me they would try to get me to day 5 transfer, but gave me a time for day 3 and said they'd call me in the AM of that day if they felt I could go 2 more days. On day 3 they called at 8:30 AM (I was up since 6 staring at my cel phone by my bed), and said I'd be going on for 2 more days!
I had gone from 8 embryos to 5 on day 3, and then by day 5 I had 2 good blasts. The transfer was April 29th. Tomorrow is my first beta--5/9.
I've had some on and off bleeding since the transfer, but pretty light, although steady trickle for the last 3 days. Which is either really really great news, or really bad news.
Every day I look for some sign of which way this is going for me (I have a headache, maybe I'm pregnant! I'm feeling fine, I'm not pregnant!) but today, Craig's cat Chelsea vomited all over our rug.
Maybe that's a good sign.