Monday, April 14, 2008

Every morning, 6:30AM

Without fail, my almost-4 year old son Christopher climbs into our bed, always my side, and reaches under my pjs to rub my belly.  Now, though, I've taught him that I don't always want him to reach under my shirt at any time he feels the urge (in the grocery store, at the mall, standing in line for the bathroom...) -- but instead he should ask me.  
Me, grabbing his little hands: 'Christopher, ask mommy before you rub my belly.'
Christopher, after a brief 2 second pause: ' Can I touch your bed-de?'
Me:  'No.  Touch my arm instead.'
Christopher, crestfallen:  'Aw, I don't wanna touch your arm.'

Christopher's been obsessed with my belly since he was around 18 months.  I think it was after I finally taught him that reaching into my shirt for my chest wasn't going to fly, after weaning him at around 11 months.  So he's moved onto rubbing my stomach or putting his cheek against my belly button.  It wouldn't be such a bad thing if he would not feel the urge in such public places!  I'm the mom who is trying to look dignified in the public restroom while holding hands with a squirming toddler, who suddenly lifts my shirt for all the world to see....

Soon, though, it's going to be my arm.  Hopefully.

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